Featured image of post Welcome to 'Gall in the Cloud'

Welcome to 'Gall in the Cloud'

Not another Azure Blog?!

Hello World!

Welcome to “Gall in the Cloud” a new Azure Blog documenting my learning journey into various topics.

“Nicola, why are creating an Azure blog? There are loads of great ones already out there!

Great question! Here are a fre different reasons as to why:

“Warts and all” Walkthroughs

Is there a feeling worse than ‘Googling’ the issue you are having to find

  1. No one else has ever encountered this issue before
  2. One other person has posted on Stack Overflow about it, but no one ever replied…original poster, are you still out there? Did you fix it?! Are you still huddled over your computer screen troubleshooting?

With this blog I’m aiming to run through the process of looking into something new and documenting the errors / issues I experinced along the way so that the next time someone else has them it might help. It’s nice to know sometimes that you aren’t the only one that encountered a problem (no matter how silly it might seem)


It’s no secret that the IT industry has a lack of Female represetnation, although this is improving! Everyone learns in different ways so I’m hoping by adding another voice to the forum will help give another perspective on learning

Sharing and Discussion

As I plan on sharing posts that show any problems I hit along the way to completing a build or task it would be great to see how others got on if they tried out a similar situation. Ideally looking to encourage an open forum for learning.

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